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Join the League ๐Ÿ”ทRenew Your Membership ๐Ÿ”ท Update Your Profile 

Learn about Membership and Get Involved

  • Our membership dues support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. To make our membership accessible to everyone, recommended League of Women Voters annual membership dues are $75 and minimum dues are $20. Pay what you can. Paying according to oneโ€™s ability creates a more equitable, diverse, and powerful League.


Members are encouraged to join and renew online and can print this form and mail with a check if preferred.     
Members decide what dues they will pay.

$75 Recommended annual membership dues
๐Ÿ”น $20 Minimum annual membership dues 
๐Ÿ”น Members may also choose higher dues, enabling some to pay less than the recommended dues. Members who pay higher dues amount do not receive additional benefits.
๐Ÿ”น To learn about dues payment support, please send an email to

More About Dues

 โœ”  Household memberships are discontinued. Instead, members can signup two members and choose the dues amount for each member.
 โœ”  Student memberships are discontinued, and all members may choose the dues they pay, with minium dues of $20.
 โœ”  Your annual dues payment supports all three levels of the League. Your dues payment is split as follows:
   20% LWV South Bend Area
   47% LWV Indiana
   33% LWV United States
โœ” Additional dues included with your dues payment are not donations and LWV South Bend Area will receive 20% of any dues paid.
When you join or renew online, the dialogue will ask if you wish to make a separate donation to the local League.
When you join or renew by mailing a check, you will pay dues with a check payable to LWV United States, and you can make a donation to our local League by including a separate check payable to LWV South Bend Area.
 โœ” When you pay by credit card, your checkout receipt will delineate and display the amount of your payment that will be distributed to LWV United States, LWV Indiana, and LWV South Bend Area.
 โœ” Because LWV Indiana is a 501(c)(3) organization, the portion of your dues distributed to LWV Indiana is tax deductible. Because they are 501(c)(4) organizations, the portion of your dues distributed to LWV United States and LWV South Bend Area are not tax deductible. 


Log In to LWVUS Member Portal: Update Member Profile or Renew

Around February 3, current League members will receive a welcome email inviting you to activate your account in the LWV Member Portal.
The email wil contain a single-use code that you will enter into the portal when you visit it for the first time. 

This video walks you through the easy setup process. How to Sign Into the LWV Portal

At the LWVUS Member Portal, you can:

๐Ÿ”น Update your profile information (name, address, email, etc.).
๐Ÿ”น Renew your membership. You will not need to renew your membership until you next renewal date.

Log In to Our Local Website 

At the LWV South Bend Area (LWVSBA) Website Portal, you can:

 ๐Ÿ”น Complete or update the Menber Interest Survey to learn about ways to get involved and tell us about your interests.
 ๐Ÿ”น Access members-only content on the Members only page of our local website. 

ALERT!   Please do not update your name, address, and other contact information at the LWVSBA website. Changes made at the LWVUS member portal will transfer to the LWVSBA website nightly. Changes made to the LWVSBA website portal will NOT transfer to the LWVUS member portal.

About Membership Renewals

Your next renewal day will occur one year after your initial join date or your renewal date.The LWVUS membership system will send you automatic reminders 60 days, 30 days, and 1 day before your membership expiration date. A final reminder will be sent 45 days after your membership expires.