Barbara Tully, president of Indiana Vote by Mail, will be our guest for the next Lunch With the League on Friday, Jan. 8 from noon to 1 pm. via Zoom. Barbara will present "Voting in Indiana: Turning All Hoosiers Into Voters." Come learn about how the voting process works in Indiana and ways that Indiana could work to make voting more accessible. This program will highlight best practices for voters and for election administrators to consider as they engage in this most basic right in a democracy - the right to vote. This nonpartisan presentation will leave you informed, engaged and excited about voting!
Barbara works to see that all eligible voters have equal access to the polls, and that Indiana’s elections remain safe and secure, while being managed in a fiscally responsible way. Indiana Vote By Mail strives to create a better civic environment in Indiana for voter engagement through easier access to the polling process, thereby engaging a greater number of voters in the most basic form of our democracy. In her professional career, Barbara worked as a commercial banker and treasury management specialist for regional financial institutions in Indiana prior to her retirement in 2015. During that time, she earned the CTP and AAP credentials, as well as Series 7 and Series 63 licenses. Barbara is a long-time volunteer at IPS Francis W. Parker School #56, with ReadUp, a United Way program, and with Art With a Heart. Barbara is a graduate of Temple University, a runner, a cat-lover, and the proud parent of two Purdue graduates.
Here is the full invitation to join the meeting via Zoom:
Topic: Jan. 8 Lunch With the League
Time: Jan 8, 2021 12:00 PM Indiana (East)
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